You Win, I Lose | Supertramp |

You Win, I Lose

Testo You Win, I Lose

You win, I lose
I beg, you choose
You‘re so cool and I‘m confused
I‘m me and you‘re you
You‘re so loose and I‘m uptight
You‘re day, I‘m night

Like two ships in the night in foggy weather,
Just a waitin‘ for fresh winds to blow.
Maybe we‘re losin‘ one another
I could be wrong I don‘t know

You get the best, I get the rest
You pass the test, I‘m just a mess
You got it made, I‘m in the shade
Like two ships in the night...
Like two dopes in the boat, without a paddle
Just a wonderin‘ why it don‘t go
We could be losin‘ one another
I could be wrong I don‘t know

I know you‘re tryin‘ to phase me
It‘s gonna drive me crazy
I can‘t wait for the day when

I win, You lose
You beg and I choose
You‘re in the shade, I‘m on parade

Like two ships in the night...

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